Naming is hard

Naming things in programming is tough. It's something we all do every day, whether we're naming variables, functions, or entire systems. But why is it so hard?

Let's start with a quote that's pretty famous in the programming world: "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things." It’s by Phil Karlton, and while most people focus on the cache invalidation part, today we’re talking about the other half—naming things.

Naming is something we do all the time, not just in code. We give names to people, places, feelings, and even the tools we use. Naming is a fundamental part of how we communicate. But in programming, naming things gets tricky.

One reason is that names need to be clear and meaningful. When you’re naming a variable or a function, it’s not just about picking something that works for you. You’re choosing a name that needs to make sense to everyone else who might read or work with your code later. If you pick a name that’s too vague, or worse, misleading, it can cause confusion and mistakes.

Another challenge is consistency. You want names that follow some pattern to be easier to remember and understand. But sticking to a pattern can be hard, especially as your codebase grows and changes. It’s easy to end up with names that are all over the place, making your code harder to read and maintain.

Then there’s the issue of avoiding conflicts. In programming, everything needs a unique name. However, as more people work on a project, the chances of accidentally giving two different things the same or similar names go up. This can lead to bugs that are tough to track down.

Even outside of code, naming is a big deal. Think about domain names on the internet. There are only so many good ones, and a lot of them are already taken. This has led to all sorts of weird and creative names for companies and websites because the simple, straightforward ones were snapped up a long time ago.

So, why do we put ourselves through this? Because naming is important. Good names make our code easier to read and understand. They help us communicate what our code is supposed to do, not just to the computer, but to other people—and even our future selves.

In the end, naming might always be one of the tough parts of programming, but it’s worth the effort. The better we get at naming things, the better our code—and our communication—becomes.